1. Time management learn how to make the most efficient use of our time. Use SMART goals to keep you on task (www.studyright.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/SMART-Goals-Tracker.pdf). Also include down time in your schedule.
2. College Entrance Exams you will be taking the PSAT10. Here is a test preparation site to help prepare you for SAT (www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat). Take the PLAN (Pre-ACT) to help prepare you for the ACT(www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/test-preparation/act-academy.html). Talk to your counselor to see if you can start taking Dual Enrollment.
3. Academics Keep your grades up-colleges look at your transcript for weighted and unweighted (GPA) Grade Point Average. Make and appointment with your counselor to review your four-year plan. Make sure you plan rigorous academic courses for your junior year. Enroll in Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB)courses, which may earn college credit. Take college courses while in high school and college credit (known as dual enrollment).
Extracurricular activities join services clubs i.e. (rotary, kwanza club) are examples of service clubs i.e. organization club (FBLA, TSA, FEA) join a sports team. Start volunteering for something you find to be important i.e. (tutoring, reading to the elderly) Explore a summer internship or summer employment be mindful of the application requirements and the deadlines. See our guide on how you can turn your interest into an activity.
4. Career exploration seek summer opportunities to work or volunteer in the field of interest and choice. Make sure to take an interest inventory so you can expand your ideas for careers you may enjoy (Https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/explore-careers) Start having honesty conversations with counselors, teachers, family and community members about their career paths and how they got to the place they are at the present, and what they studied in college.
5. College search start taking college tours think about the size, location and academic programs. Attend your local college fairs in your area (www.nacafairs.org/attend/national-college-fairs) . Try online college fairs and virtual campus tours (https://campustours.com). Use your online search engine to find colleges (http://bigfuture.collegeboard.org) The virtual tours (https://campustours.com). Visit our 10th grade page to learn more!
6. Scholarship search started in the 9th grade and apply for all the micro-targeting scholarships. Some want essay and some don’t unless you apply you don’t know if you will be awarded. See over 36 billion of scholarships on our scholarships page.
7. Money management learn about types of scholarships and grants. (www.edcogoes.org). Take a financial education course (www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/moneysmart/young.html). Take some time and use the tools found on the college affordability and Transparency Center website (http://collegecost.ed.gov) to compare and estimate your college costs. Also make sure you research net price calculators on the websites of colleges and universities that appeal to you.
8. Prepare for the summer going into the 11th grade create your roadmap as to what study website you would be practicing on for the summer so you can get a higher SAT/ACT for the last time taking. Continue applying for the micro targeting scholarships.
9. Confirm your summer plans (e.g., work, academic enrichment programs, summer workshops, service learning, college tours, internship)
10. You should have already create a professional email address to use when applying for scholarships, registering for college entrance exams, and completing college applications. Click to view a quick guide on creating a professional email.